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The Homicidal Librarian that hated it When Books were Late

Mrs. Morder was the one person
Not to upset
Bring a book in late
And pain is what you get

A librarian she was
Almost not human
But say it to her face and
You'll never speak again

Once a boy named Ralf
Did not return his book
He cannot see no more
His eyes is what she took

The brave principal
Knew he had to stop her
He had to save the kids
From her fiery anger

Mrs. Morder was easily tricked
And trapped inside the cellar
The sprinklers came on and she was crushed
Under the rising water

Mrs. Morder was in fact a witch
She would kill her victorious rival
The building collapsed
And killed the poor principal

The beast was dead
The students were happy
They got a new librarian
Whose manners were not as snappy

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