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The Teacher that Gave Way Too Much Homework

In the land of education,
You will find a school
No happiness can be found here
'Cause the teacher is so cruel

The root cause of this is
Called Mr. Glath
Everyone around him thinks
He is a psychopath

He gave too much homework
And took away free time,
His death would be welcomed
As help by the divine

The children called their heroes
They were the "Three Bears"
They came to save them from one man:
Mr. Glath who never cares

The bears took Mr. Glath
And divided him by three
It was the show
That everyone wanted to see

Mr. Glath screamed in agony
But nobody heard him
Already the bad memories
Had started to grow dim

Mr. Glath died a painful death
And here's the funny part
The bit the bears liked best
Was his rotten heart

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