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The Bullies that Lived to See Their Victim Fight Back

Once there were three bullies
Called Moe, Evrade and Droul
Moe was their leader
He looked just like a ghoul

Their best victim was Timmy
He was a little guy
Whenever they teased him
He hoped that they would die

But Timmy was clever kid
He had a daring plan
They came to tease him but,
Timmy said "No!" and ran

Moe, Evrade and Droul
Ran after little Timmy
But Timmy was smart and locked them in
The pit under the privy

There the nasty bullies sat,
Covered in poop and grime
They had to eat rats for food
And regret every crime

Every day the teachers could not find
Moe, Evrade and Droul
Nobody would miss them though,
'Cause they were so cruel

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